Little Cups of Joy ! Mondays ‘Choclified’


People have Monday blues , I on the other hand have Monday cravings , the thought of how long week ahead may seem made me crave chocolate gooey,sickly sweet chocolate behold CUPCAKES too the rescue….

Let me start to describe the kitchen today ever since my mother lazed around watching Take chef reruns on TLC we drooled  over Curtis Stone and his exceptionally easy yet tempting dishes. So Monday night dinner courtesy of Curtis Stone would be Chicken Tagine cooked by Chef Mommy. 


So with the kitchen occupied i conquer the dining room to be my kingdom and with my trusted commander-in-chief/sous chef/errand boy/photographer/adorable younger brother by side i set out baking my little Cups of joy.


 So you need a couple of basic things 

For the Cupcakes :-

  • 3 Eggs
  • 100gms Butter
  • 3/4 cup Flour
  • 1/4 Cup  Refined Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Powder 
  • 2 Nougat Bars (optional but recommended)
  • 80 gms Dark Chocolate 


This recipe is fairly simple , its a no shenanigans 1 bowl kinda hassle free but nevertheless fail safe and always yumm recipe . Very much like that grandmother who always makes you feel loved and warm and gooey inside irrespective of whatever kind of day you’re having.


Start out by dumping all dry ingredients in a large bowl ,this recipe makes approximately 20 medium sized cupcakes so be sure to use a large enough bowl .



Then go ahead cut up the butter into small cubes, the butter should be room temperature or it tends to split, it doesn’t make a difference in the end but its definitely easier to whisk at room temperature. Once the butter is in whisk the mixture till the butter starts to crumble.



 Crack one egg at a time while you keep whisking. eventually the mixture will start resembling cake batter, Dont worry if the batter is too lumpy or thick, that is  what the milk is for, gradually pour in the milk .You could always pour the entire milk in but that would only result in chocolate colored walls and who would want that(unless that is the result you were hoping for in the first place) also melt the dark chocolate and add it to the mixture


 Spoon in the moulds filling them  3/4 and cut up the nougat bars into small little cubes and place them in the batter. These little babies are sure too provide that heavenly gooey center.


Microwave on High for 3 mins  and this part requires some self – restrain because by now your enitrehouse will be smelling like a sweet tooth fanatics baked heaven  …  curb your sense wait till they cool turn them out ….voila



These little cups of Joy are easy to do ready in a sum total of 30 mins and sure to leave you with a sugar rush. My perfect pick me up anytime of the day and night just 30 mins away .. Hope this recipe brightens up you’re week … I have so many memories with this recipe , spontaneous afternoon cooking sessions with girlfriends,sibling bonding,depression cravings etc.etc. 

Good for all seasons and moods My little Cups of Joy !

Cause I daydream about Garlic …..

I head into 2014 with high hopes and a lot of expectations.With expectations come disappointment but one can be hopeful . Its that time of the year when every ones still recovering from high spirits wiping their slates clean putting the year behind, them envisioning a spectacular year ahead. 


I hail from a family of foodiacs , my mother being an absolutely mind-blowing cook. In our family food is never simple, we do not believe in monotonous or humdrum food. Food is a love affair with our taste buds . Every week we visit different countries at our dinner table and cooking at our house is a family activity not a chore (my mom might disagree to that at times). We ve had omelettes with jam in them, made our own ravioli and also gotten excited at the fact that our local market actually has dill. Being avid master chef fans we keep trying our home into our own Michelin star restaurant undoubtedly with much larger portions cause in the real world no one can possibly be happy with that little food . We have our own food bubble at the Sukarchakia’s and everyone’s invited.


Since its resolution time I’ve come up with my own i m going to devote a hefty amount of time talking up and boasting about my one love, my companion, my soul mate – Food !! this year is going be all about recipes, restaurants , kitchens and grease. A Dash of Garlic aptly named because of my undying love for garlic, because its versatile, goes with everything, accompanies, compliments, sometimes overpowers sometimes lies their in the subtext lingering long after its gone . Garlic in my books is a better companion than most of the men out there . Cause garlic never lets you down ……..


Too new beginnings and a lot of Garlic a Happy New year to All…